Tuesday, 22 September 2009
The Failure of Logical Recognition in Mankind
About 20% believe they can talk to dead relatives and friends, about another 20% believe that the souls of the past can help them solve their problems. The remainder are full of uncertainties and are constantly latching on to the latest idea that gives them comfort. Those who believe in God ask his help occasionally, quite frequently, or frequently, and surprisingly is as high as 95% do so. So the silent majority who do not speak about their beliefs still have the sense to pray or ask for help. Those in the group that firmly believe in the immortality of the soul and the resulting afterlife are fifty percent of the total, and forty percent of these still act and believe they are talking to the dead souls.
As the soul is immortal it is alive, and that applies even though it has passed over when a person dies, so when a person speaks to spirit they are speaking to a live immortal soul. Here on earth you may here a person say of another person that they have an old soul, well what they are referring too is that person has had a higher growth of their essences of love, sensitivity, compassion and understanding than average, and are therefore more mentally developed due to a higher degree of learning in earlier existences.
Since the early existence of man some humans have believed in immortality and this has increased over the centuries until the mid 1950's when the western world went into the mode of “ALL THINGS SCIENTIFIC” and “FREEDOM WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY” this caused a slackening of standards of social behaviour compounded by poor governments who did not understand the consequences of their actions which continues even today.
The blessing of science and technology has continued at a very fast pace along with the attitude that science and medical advances will solve all our problems! The reality is the opposite, large parts of the world are starving due monocultures grown to feed the west. Corruption and greed causing death and destruction, and we even have religious wars being encouraged to keep western industries in business and all of this due to a lack of understanding, poor intellect by leaders, and worst of all the worship of greed, money and corruption. All this will continue the cycle of more starvation and wars.
What I have written in the above paragraph would appear to have little to do logic or spirituality but it is what is causing the destruction of the human race and the humanity so essential to its future. All life is special and yet science cannot tell you how it is alive, yes it can explain how the heart works, or the liver, or the circulation functions, but it cannot tell you what switches life on, and that applies to all life. This fundamental question has still to be answered. Could it be that energy source we call God? All life requires an energy source to switch it on.
Religion and Science have clashed since the dark ages brought about by their emotional and bigoted view of what god stated as right for mankind, all created by leaders who laid down the law according to their view. (Basically they created gods word to suit their own ignorance and bigotry)
Science coming from a background of religious persecution took the stance that mans own ability created the scientific knowledge, not God, further logical proof and repeatability of any work was essential as proof. Again this narrow black and white approach caused its own bigotry and this has led to divisions within the scientific community and has led to that grey area of statistics. Finally, however both sides are beginning to recognise each other’s contribution to humanity. Scientific truth is constantly changing with growing understanding on the positive side, but increasing financial pressure is producing material that does not survive investigation on the negative side.
RELIGIONS which are several thousands in number are a progression from pagan rituals which covered fertility, seasons, appeasment and sacrifice and so on, all mainly based on fear and gods of many kinds, all controlled by a few people in positions of power, and so it is still today. Modern religions follow many versions of gods and goddess or prophets. The introduction of education, television and computers are reducing the number of worshipers at an ever increasing pace, though some religions are turning to the African continent to replace their losses, this is however opening up a gap in the level of religious understanding between the two groups of worshippers.
The main problem with religion is that the material used does not stand up to logical examination and causes emotional trauma and their clergy are too closed minded and self serving protectionists. Here we get people calling themselves religious or spiritual, the latter has become more popular in recent times, but if one looks at many religions they go against the principle of Spiritualism.
SPIRUTULISM is a way of life based on that energy force called God or his many other names; it is based on Love, Sensitivity, Compassion, Understanding, using truth, trust, logic and reasoning. No one on this earth is perfect so one has a lot to learn which will benefit one’s character; it is therefore beneficial to heed your conscience (your soul). Be positive about life, noting that all learning is growth to your character, lastly in this voyage of discovery remember that God gave you free-will, use it wisely, think before you act.
Author: G.A.Thomson
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Writings for the spiritual development circle
Writing and expressing ones thoughts is an important aspect of the spiritual development cirlce. Although it can seem like a daunting task to begin with, the rewards speak for themselves. The circle format encourages thinking by asking the individual to take one of the writings from the channelled book "The Light in Your Life is Spirit". Each writing is done sequentially starting from the start of the book when the spiritual development circle begins for the first time.
Each week the circle participant reads one of the writings from the book, "The Light in your Life is Spirit". They are then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings about that writing. This aspect of the circle helps to stimulate the participant’s ability to think as well as teaching a broader view of humanity and spirituality.
More information about the book…
Below is an example of a writing from a circle participant who has attended a spiritual development circle for a number of years. The writing was on the soul on page 7 of the book “The light in your life is spirit”. The writing is from the individuals understanding of what they have read and it must be stressed that it is important that circle participants try their best not to compare themselves and their understand with the other circle participants. The writings are to be enjoyed and to encourage spiritual growth.
Tens of thousands of years of human evolution and today we barely understand or even acknowledge the human soul. It is difficult for most people to comprehend something that cannot be physically seen with their own eyes and so feel more comfortable to dismiss the idea of the human soul’s existence into the realms of fantasy. But on the other hand systems of religious faith and belief were created to nurture the belief of the soul and to encourage its growth. But regardless of the belief system acknowledgment of the human soul requires faith, blind faith. It seems rather ironic if not a bad joke that the one thing that matters the most is what we understand the least.
Perhaps to get a better understanding about why the human soul is so important it might be an idea to establish one obvious fact, the human soul aids our evolution. Not just personal evolution but also social locally and globally. The reason the soul has the power to influence the human being is because of its origins, it is not some random piece of floating space energy, far from it. What the soul is, or rather who created it defines the souls purpose more clearly. The soul was created by God and if you consider God as its creator therefore it must have purpose as defined by the universal laws of cause and effect and functionality. So what was the soul created for, what’s its purpose? Why did God make or create this thing that is contained within human beings. I should point out that every creature on earth has a soul albeit in a more limited capacity compared to the human soul.
So why, what purpose does this all serve? Always so many question and such limited answers. The universal purpose is exactly that, its universal and this energy, this soul, is encouraged to grow. And the experiences on earth in human form are to encourage this growth or evolution. Once a certain point of growth has been achieved the soul moves on to other universal experiences that will also encourage its growth.
It all seems rather logical and straight forward but because human beings have freewill, we have the ability to make choices, and it is our capacity to make these choices that affects how we perceive this purpose. Life is and always has been a learning experience and in order for us to learn the obviousness of the soul’s existence is obscured by our physicality, it is only when we see beyond our physical appearance that our life’s true purpose begins to make sense. And it does not seem to be by any accident that our lives are combinations of learning experiences that shape our character and our behavior for better or for worse.
So whether we believe in the human soul or not, it is a constant that is contained within us that has only one purpose and that is to evolve. We take it for granted our own functionality and the obvious fact that we are more than just physical beings. It is with our emotions that reach out and experience the world we live in. And it is the interaction between our emotional experience and its relationship with the soul that provides us with the opportunity to move beyond what we think we are and evolve into what we are, we are creation.
DB 25.08.09
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